Illustrated Wall Mural for Brigham Young University
by Nate Padavick
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
Art Directors
Marni Hassan, Marketing and Communications Manager
Creative Brief
Brigham Young University commissioned Nate Padavick to create a wall mural for the Kennedy Center for International Studies.
Project Goals
The goal of this wall mural was to quickly inspire students to learn more about the many opportunities offered by the Kennedy Center, including around 150 study abroad programs in over 60 countries, ten area studies majors and minors, a lecture series on global topics, and a plethora of international events.
Project Realization
The project manifested into an 18-foot-long and 9-foot-high wall mural, printed on vinyl and installed by a local wall vinyl printer/producer.
Creative Process
The original concept for this wall mural envisioned by the art director was an illustrated map of the world. Upon seeing the list of sites presented by the client, Nate realized that it read like a bucket list for a grand world tour of celebrated sites around the world. To further this vision of “the grand tour” Nate deployed the vintage luggage sticker vernacular, giving it a new look by using a bright colors and a fresh illustration style. The finished mural celebrates the many study abroad opportunities available to BYU’s students by featuring over 100 famous places, historical landmarks, and site-specific iconography.
This map was created in Adobe Illustrator by Nate Padavick, using vector brushes and his hand-drawn font Slender. AI was not used in the creation of this illustration.
Sketch and planning sheetInstallation photograph of the finished mural on an 18-foot wall